
Fidelity.  Its a concept we all cherish and yet all have fallen short of.  All of us, except Jesus.  Despite our waywardness, God calls us back  and gives us Jesus not only as our example, but as the only one able to reconcile us back to God through His death and resurrection.   He has remained true to us.  He has never stopped loving us. He has never let us down.  He is true to His Word and yet despite how we've continue to yearn for something other than Him, tires not in trying to woo us back into His arms. Its an amazing love.  Who can fathom it?

"Our best performance comes from a realization of who God is and what He has done, and from knowing how He lovingly intervenes on behalf of His people."

This week join us as we study the Bible lesson titled,"Making Sense of History: Zerubbabel and Ezra"



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