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"The temptation is that when we get together as a church we become distracted with keeping the church itself going, forgetting that the church exists to serve the world in which God has placed it. As a church body, we must not ignore the suffering and evil that exists all around us. If Christ didn’t ignore it, we must not either. We must be faithful to our mandate to preach the gospel, and along with that preaching comes the work of helping the oppressed, the hungry, the naked, and the helpless.

Together as a church community and organization, we are the body of Christ (see 1 Cor. 12:12-20). As such, we as a community should walk as Jesus walked, reach out as Jesus did, and serve as the hands, feet, voice, and heart of Jesus in the world today."1




Want to dig further? Click the link below to study the topic and join us next Saturday as we discuss this very topic. Study begins at 11:30AM! You're also welcome to join us beforehand for song and a sermon that starts at 10:00AM. Join us at Christ The Way Seventh-day Adventist Church and consider Jesus.

STUDY WITH US: Bible Study Guide, 3rd Quarter, Lesson 13 - “A Community of Servants", at