Exhort One Another

For those of us who would call ourselves Christians, "...let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24,25
After a busy week at work, getting up Sabbath morning to go to church can seem like yet another of one of life's exercises. Why is it some of us find our Sundays to be more restful than our Sabbaths? If you find yourself holding that perspective, you'll likely benefit from a fresh set of eyes on what God instituted for us so that we might build each other up to glorify Him.
Did you ever try coming to church early? Are you fortunate to be one of those who do so to set up everything so that the service, the sabbath school and even potluck run well? If not, we dare you to try. What may seem like administrative or menial type tasks, God blesses. Hear, watch and participate alongside those who do and you'll soon discover a culture of helpfulness, cheer and teamwork unlike the drudgery of what you might imagine occurs before you normally walk through those doors. For those with children who might find that as a reason to not come early to help, think about the beautiful communion they might be missing out on in running around (as they'll inevitably do) interacting with those who are attending to various tasks. The family grows when we're all involved.
Having said the above, it may be that helping in such a fashion is not within your capacity to do so, or within your calling, but don't think you have nothing to do that day than show up and listen! Stirring up love, encouraging one another to good works and building one another up for the new week that approaches are all things each of us is called to do, whatever form that takes. Perhaps you're past your prime... if so, consider the listening you're capable of doing and the value a few well placed words from a caring elder would have in the ears of someone tired or discouraged . The point is, if we have breath, we have service to give.
Rethink this coming Sabbath and dive into it!

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